ABOUT US: Our Fellowship |
Our Fellowship
Grace Community Fellowship is a non-denominational fellowship of people drawn from almost every walk of life. Our vision is that we would be a strong evangelical Fellowship in the community. We would seek to build our beliefs on biblical teachings rather than denominational traditions. We are governed by Elders whose authority rests in the Bible alone. We are eager to do all we can to be available to you for prayer, counseling or any service we may be able to render in the name of Jesus Christ to assist you in your growth and maturing in Christ. We are evangelical in faith, believing that the key to life lies in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, the application of Scripture to our lives and meaningful involvement in a local church. We welcome your questions or comments and trust you will soon feel at home among this family of believers as together we seek to grow in our understanding of God our Heavenly Father and to make His Name great throughout our community.
Our Beliefs
We Believe and proclaim the Bible as the authoritative and infallible Word of God. We believe God's truth is as relevant to the needs of our contemporary culture as it was 2000 years ago. We hold to the fundamental truths of historic Christianity including the deity of Christ, His virgin birth, His sacrificial death, and His second coming. We believe that salvation is by faith alone in the finished work of Christ and repentance from sin. We affirm that the faith to believe and salvation is a gift of God, not of man’s doing or work. (A detailed Statement of Faith is available upon request.) We believe that it is both the obligation and privilege of every Christian to live a holy life, show forth good works, and proclaim the gospel. We want to meet the needs of people in our community with God's answers to real problems. It is our firm conviction that the answers to the deepest needs in peoples' lives can only be met through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and a proper understanding and application of Scripture in their daily walk. We believe that when Christians are connected to a community of faith and are under the clear teaching of the Word of God, they will grow to become devoted followers of Christ. In light of that, Grace Community Fellowship is not only a place to believe, but also a place to belong.
Our Purpose
Exaltation - We acknowledge and delight in God's Supremacy in all things, as described in the Bible (worship).
Evangelism - We proclaim the gospel to the un-churched, and unbelieving locally and globally (outreach).
Establishing - We help believers become grounded in the faith and pursue spiritual maturity and the Joy that is to be found in God (discipleship).
Equipping - We teach and train believers how to find their joy and satisfaction in God and how to glorify Him in all things so that others will be drawn to God and Christ finding forgiveness, joy and peace (ministry).
Experiencing Community - We are a family of believers whose members genuinely love and care for one another as their heavenly Father cares for them (fellowship).
Engaging the Culture - We are a telescope in our community and world showing them by our lives how great God really is in all His Supremacy (influence).
Our Vision
We see the church as a flock. We must therefore be cared for by godly shepherds who humbly lead and feed.
We see the church as a body. We must therefore function on the basis of spiritual gifts in order to maximize effectiveness and impact.
We see the church as a fellowship. We must therefore pursue harmony and unity under the authority of the Scriptures.
We see the church as family. We must therefore emphasize caring and redemptive relationships that nurture growth.
Our Worship
We prayerfully and humbly strive for God-centered, God-exalting worship and view our Sunday worship service as the most important gathering of our Fellowship. Thus, the one essential "being together" time is Sunday morning. In our service, we attempt to offer a "worship experience" that is a corporate expression of our passion for treasuring and magnifying the Supremacy of God.
Our Focus
Our Beliefs, Our Purpose, Our Vision and Our Worship find their meaning and expression when we focus on:
Treasuring all that God is;
Meditating on all His Word;
Loving all that He loves;
Praying for all His purposes;
Being Sustained by all His Grace.
Grace Community Fellowship is a non-denominational fellowship of people drawn from almost every walk of life. Our vision is that we would be a strong evangelical Fellowship in the community. We would seek to build our beliefs on biblical teachings rather than denominational traditions. We are governed by Elders whose authority rests in the Bible alone. We are eager to do all we can to be available to you for prayer, counseling or any service we may be able to render in the name of Jesus Christ to assist you in your growth and maturing in Christ. We are evangelical in faith, believing that the key to life lies in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, the application of Scripture to our lives and meaningful involvement in a local church. We welcome your questions or comments and trust you will soon feel at home among this family of believers as together we seek to grow in our understanding of God our Heavenly Father and to make His Name great throughout our community.
Our Beliefs
We Believe and proclaim the Bible as the authoritative and infallible Word of God. We believe God's truth is as relevant to the needs of our contemporary culture as it was 2000 years ago. We hold to the fundamental truths of historic Christianity including the deity of Christ, His virgin birth, His sacrificial death, and His second coming. We believe that salvation is by faith alone in the finished work of Christ and repentance from sin. We affirm that the faith to believe and salvation is a gift of God, not of man’s doing or work. (A detailed Statement of Faith is available upon request.) We believe that it is both the obligation and privilege of every Christian to live a holy life, show forth good works, and proclaim the gospel. We want to meet the needs of people in our community with God's answers to real problems. It is our firm conviction that the answers to the deepest needs in peoples' lives can only be met through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and a proper understanding and application of Scripture in their daily walk. We believe that when Christians are connected to a community of faith and are under the clear teaching of the Word of God, they will grow to become devoted followers of Christ. In light of that, Grace Community Fellowship is not only a place to believe, but also a place to belong.
Our Purpose
Exaltation - We acknowledge and delight in God's Supremacy in all things, as described in the Bible (worship).
Evangelism - We proclaim the gospel to the un-churched, and unbelieving locally and globally (outreach).
Establishing - We help believers become grounded in the faith and pursue spiritual maturity and the Joy that is to be found in God (discipleship).
Equipping - We teach and train believers how to find their joy and satisfaction in God and how to glorify Him in all things so that others will be drawn to God and Christ finding forgiveness, joy and peace (ministry).
Experiencing Community - We are a family of believers whose members genuinely love and care for one another as their heavenly Father cares for them (fellowship).
Engaging the Culture - We are a telescope in our community and world showing them by our lives how great God really is in all His Supremacy (influence).
Our Vision
We see the church as a flock. We must therefore be cared for by godly shepherds who humbly lead and feed.
We see the church as a body. We must therefore function on the basis of spiritual gifts in order to maximize effectiveness and impact.
We see the church as a fellowship. We must therefore pursue harmony and unity under the authority of the Scriptures.
We see the church as family. We must therefore emphasize caring and redemptive relationships that nurture growth.
Our Worship
We prayerfully and humbly strive for God-centered, God-exalting worship and view our Sunday worship service as the most important gathering of our Fellowship. Thus, the one essential "being together" time is Sunday morning. In our service, we attempt to offer a "worship experience" that is a corporate expression of our passion for treasuring and magnifying the Supremacy of God.
Our Focus
Our Beliefs, Our Purpose, Our Vision and Our Worship find their meaning and expression when we focus on:
Treasuring all that God is;
Meditating on all His Word;
Loving all that He loves;
Praying for all His purposes;
Being Sustained by all His Grace.